Bal Swaraj

October 21, 2020 at 4:00 pm CRACR&PD New Delhi VIEW MORE

Bal Swaraj

To commemorate 150th birth anniversary of the Father of Our Nation, Sri Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi, the National Commission For Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), Delhi Commission For Protection of child Rights (DCPCR) and Centre for Research and Advocacy for Child Rights and Persons with Disability (CRACR&PD) joined hands to talk to children and young persons about Gandharan principles, visions and Gandhi ji’s views on children.

DCPCR planned a series of eight activities from 21st October to 07th November, 2019 in partnership with CRACR&PD, the knowledge partner of DCPCR for ‘Bal swaraj’, wherein we interacted with wide spectrum of children and youth, which include boys from Observation homes, girl children from Girls’ Children Home, University students, Students from Kendriya Vidyalya, Private School and Government School.

We are obliged to National Gandhi Museum, Shri Uttam Sinha, Shri Ansar Ali and Shri Mamchand of National Gandhi Museum for the help and the initiative taken by them in making Bal-Swaraj, a huge success.

  1. Gandhiji is still alive and thriving in our children and young,
  2. Gandhiji is deeply embedded in our un-conscious and needs to be brought out,
  3. Children and young persons are well informed about Bapu and they still want to discuss Gandhi ji,
  4. We still very strongly feel that the Gandhian ways can only ameliorate us from our personal, social, economic and national evils
  5. Gandhiji is still alive in India not only on currencies and political forays but he is alive in Indian hearts, as no participant claimed to have known Gandhiji by the above said modes
  6. Some children in Observation Homes on their own initiative came to us and admitted that they were involved in some anti-social activities but now they will follow the Gandhian path of truth, non-violence and forgiveness.
  7. Governments and organizations like NCPCR and DCPCR shall constantly endeavor to promote Gandhi within individuals because we need to create a child friendly India, where, children are given opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity and the childhood and youth are protected against exploitation and against moral and material abandonment.

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