Sambhavna (Centre for Research & Advocacy on Child Rights & People with Disability) is registered not for profit organization in 2019. Based on the core belief that ‘every child is a possibility’; our mission is ensure that children who are ‘Invisible’ are empowered with access & agency. In this very short span, we have conducted over 100 workshops on strengthening child protection systems across the country.
Through initiatives such as Sakhee – a skill development & livelihood generation programme, and Hifazat – a programme on service delivery and sensitization on needs for children in distress situations. Our team comprises of dedicated professionals who have stellar experience and credibility in the field of child rights.
The Centre strives for protecting, serving and reintegrating children & persons with disability by safeguarding their human rights through social, legal, political and other interventions, ensuring that even the invisible children and persons with disability are safe from all forms of abuse, exploitation, discrimination and legal, social and political deprivation.
Principal Objective of CRACR&PD is to create a forum for the promotion, realisation and monitoring of Child Human Rights and that of Persons with Disability, in India and abroad.
The basic principle, objective and associated activities; of the trust are aligned with commitments of the constitution of India and its directive principles towards all the people of India and in particular with the rights of children and persons with disability without discrimination whatsoever. It further aligns with the principles of UN Convention for Rights of Children and also UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disability and matters incidental to both the conventions.
CRACR&PD aims to eradicate the evil customs, discrimination, neglect and illegal activities adversely affecting the development of children and persons with disability such as child marriage, trafficking, female feticide, dowry, untouchability, discrimination on the basis of cast, class, colour, sex and race and many more prejudices in the society, which deprive children from their childhood.
To promote peace, respect for diversities, equitable development and socio-economic justice and protection of natural environment, especially in the context of entitlements of children and persons with disability. To work for the empowerment and sensitization of women, communities, groups and individuals for the benefit of Children and Persons with Disability.
The objective of the organisation to comply with the provisions of Article 51A of Constitution of India, Fundamental Duties, as enshrined under Part IV A of the Constitution, with special attention to Article 51A(j), ‘to strive towards excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity, so that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavors and achievements’ so as to facilitate the provisions of Article 39 (f) of the Constitution, Directive Principles of State Policies,
in Chapter IV of the Constitution, which provides that children are given opportunities and facilities to develop in a healthy manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity and that childhood and youth are protected against exploitation and against moral and material abandonment.
The Centre works in convergence with Government, Civil Society, Corporate and Institutions including Panchayati Raj & other local self-governance entities on apt systems and processes, to align; short-term goals and visualise long-term strategies for influencing, policies and practices.
This is in the context of children at risk/ in difficult situations, in distress and those who are invisible/ unnoticed but in need of care and includes persons with disability across the country. To monitor the incidence and patterns of violation of children’s human rights and rights of persons with disability across the country using primary and secondary data, statistical and social research and advocate for change by initiating policy discussions and challenging violation of children’s human rights and persons with disability, through networks, campaigns and legal advocacy and To study and promote alternative sustainable models of people centred and inclusive development in the eco system of children and persons with disability and advocate conscious investment in children and persons with disability, with particular attention to those from disadvantaged communities, situations and settings.
CRACR&PD is committed to serve our partners and clients with integrity, compassion, accountability, professionalism, and provide insights, along with innovative approaches in accordance with ethical standards of care and protection, with utmost confidentiality.
We at CRACR&PD assiduously pursue, following basic principles, with policy of “Zero tolerance” towards their violation/violations
Our workforce is driven with the cause in mind and a deed in the heart to change the lives of ignored children of our society and the persons with disability!